American Indian elders are held in reverence within the tribes. They are responsible for the provision of leadership and wisdom, and they do this through gentleness, gracefulness, and wise ways. The typical age of an elder varies greatly from tribe-to-tribe and from circumstance-to-circumstance, although it is often considered about the 61 to65-year range. Of course, it is notyears alone that contribute to what we know of American Indian elders. It is the gentle grace and wisdom that they exude.
Danny Beaton (2020, 2022) wrote in memory of an Elder, Alicja Rozanska, who had taught him to honour nature and natural spirits. He spoke of “old ones” who could have communication with plants, feathers, skulls, bones, and stones. These Elders worked together with the great songs of prayerful harmonic fertility and with the drum. The Spirit World was personified by the elements Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, and the Elders walked the Earth with respect for Creation, the Great Mystery, and the Universe.
The American Indian spiritual leaders have maintained our living human existential linkage of respect for, gratitude for, and honour of the forces of life and spirit. Many, many hundreds of years have passed, and yet the honour remains for “Sky World” where we came from to be here now on “Turtle Island.” The Leaders also make council and sacred ceremony where the Circle of Wisdom continues to grow into the children of our children . . . into the future on our Sacred Mother, the Earth. The Leaders also called “Elders,” may provide access to healing through the Spirit World.The Wisdom of the Animal Spirits and the Ancestors is relayed for strength and guidance, and ceremony is used to heal and purify.
The struggles have been many across time as our Elders have struggled to keep the power of Nature and Her Laws to achieve peace and harmony. The Chiefs were made by the Women and belonged to the Nations as their protector and benefactor. The “Old Wisdom Keepers” guide us to have the “Good Mind,” -- one of peace, righteousness, equality, harmony, and justice. The Elders teach us that by having the Good Mind, we can do good things that benefit creation and nature. This portends also to our capability to protect those yet unborn and our “Seventh Generation” peoples (also called “The Rainbow Warriors” of “The Rainbow Prophecy”).
The Elders knew that we could join our consciousness as one force and rise like our brother, The Sun-- rise in the East to generate our Mother’s nourishing beauty and bounty. We can thank all the waters when we say, “Nia’wen,” and place tobacco to show gratitude and service to the Mother. They instruct us to ask forgiveness for the conditions on Earth from creation, from the water, from the fire, and from the air. The warriors are taught to protect the Mother’s blood and her waters as our own lives. We are taught by the Elders to honour and respect the natural forces,the spirits, and the powers … to align with them in harmony rather than be taken away by them.
We are taught to honor the waters of lakes and rivers, and the airs that move across and above them. They show us that we can heal with the Spirit World by offerings and sweats and purification ceremonies. We are shown that we can be healed by the plants, animals, and animal spirits and taught by all things that have a spirit and are on the Mother, Earth. The “Wisdom Keepers,” teach us that we must honour all things on earth all day each day in our daily actions. We must relate as family under “Father Sky,” “Grandmother Moon,” “The Three Sisters of Corn, Bean, and Squash,” and our brethren, the animals.
(GCILL, 2022) The intense changes that Mother Earth is experiencing are also a call to urgently restore our “Original Instructions,” which all real human beings receive from all nations. The call advises that we must return to rites of passage, stories, art, songs and prayer chants, linguistics, and Ceremony. This call is severe and pressing and the messenger “Merculief,” for example, has taken on the journey by traversing Mother Earth and co-mingling with Indigenous Elders from around the world including Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, South America, and more.
Ilarion Merculieff speaks of the “First Nation,” and how it does not exist without Sacred Ceremonial Gathering and the sharing of worldwide parts of “The Great Council of Spirit.” The ceremonies, the stories, and the prophecies--all and each-- have been gathered as the gifts that they truly are and by such as Ilarion the Elder, and as is traditional, … the Wisdom is to be passed on to the world. He says that these are intricate “pieces of the puzzle,” and that without connection, they do not seem to make a picture. But they do.
The “Restorative Practices Alliance” provides a means to regain connection and the safety and well-being that it brings through the “harnessing” of “ancestral technologies,” and their integration with cutting edge neurophysiological practices. The objective is well-being optimality and the effort boasts a trans-cultural base of over 20 world spirituality methodologies and practices delivered by over 40 world class experts to enhance autonomic function in human beings and all life. It is summed up as a Way Home to The True Self.
As the signs are read by the Elders, we find the true nature of the challenge before humankind. The pace of change is accelerating and hence, the call to renew our “ceremonies, language, rites of passage, stories, art, prayer chants and songs, and Original Instructions,” sounds clearer and clearer. The Elders say it is time now for all of us to put in our own work …each and all… to do what we can … as the “Great Council of Spirit” moves into our collective consciousness…as true conscientiousness.
(Nerburn, 2022; Greel, T.I., 2022) The American Indian term “Ancestors” does not intend just blood relatives from the past. It is a Spiritual epitaph. The term relates a tribute to those who came before we did… and who suffered completely. They though left us a “crumb” to “follow.” This path that the crumb shines light upon is my crucible…it is my ultimate honor to follow it.
Fleming (1996) cites James Baldwin regarding the power of knowing where one has come from and how this allows access to all that there is. He continues to describe a current world shortage on wisdom. The struggles of those that came before are many and has developed this wisdom for the many…yet do they know this? Appreciate this?
The grandest gift is generated through the endurance of our Elders who came before us. They have provided a rich and abundant fabric that is, “The Wisdom of The Elders.” The Elder Wisdom propels humanity… and the Earth as one. It is our Mother, our truth, and our food. We are greatly challenged to accept this legacy and to then use it to create a future that is whole and right.
(NCAI, 2022) The communities highly regard their Elders and call them their, “Wisdom Keepers.” The Alaskan and American Native Elders are also though, the most economically disadvantaged, exploited, and neglected group in the tribes. The move to bolster care for them, respect for them, and to provide needed resource, is a well deserved one of true attribution. Federal aid programs in the US are difficult to access for them such as Medicaid/Medicare, and Social Security. There are programs to fund aid to assist them with their access to benefits yet even though very well managed, these programs don’t contain enough force to really help our Elders. The “Older American” Act requires 5 weekly meals for all Elders but currently, operates a cafeteria that serves Elders 2-3 times a week. Similarly, the Elder support grant supported programs close down several days a week because of funding scarcity. Tribal Elders do not receive many of their entitled and rightful home-aide, “homemaker,” transportation, referral and interpretive, legal, day care, or home-visit services. The programs are insufficient to address the issues they are developed for addressing. The Older Americans Act will need to add funding to take care of its Tribal American Indian Elders.
Coyhis (2007) writes of age old truths and sacred wisdom and beliefs that are and have been passed down through generations. The Elders now are the very same persons that were children before and who received the Elder Wisdom to carry it forward. This cycle is also harmonic with “The Red Road,” the American Indian ubiquitous path of pure Love in all directions. That something is amiss in the cycle is obviated today perhaps. But humans can alter their beliefs at will… and can re-enter “The Red Road” to be in harmonic alignment with all things … by listening to their Elders.
NPRA (2022) offers the grandest of all wisdoms… to honor our Elders. We show appreciation for their struggles and we gain by way of added compassion and ability to respect. The role of the wisdom keepers is to share the knowledge in its applications. American Indian history is just one aspect of this cultural transmission by generational pass down which is foundational and of highest value. Multi-generational participation in learning inspires the American Indian people. Sponsorships have been achieved that seek to fortify the generational interactions and the Elder care facilities as well. This use of financial resource represents a real time evidence and action that asserts respect, admiration, and attentiveness to and with Our Elders. The interactions with younger people also have been shown to rejuvenate and provide a therapeutic energy with and within the Elders as well. The interaction also generates new found ability to respect, remain non-judgmental, and to be patient in the youth that visit with the Elders. Linay, the Activities Director, reported that her absolute favorite aspect of working with the Elders in the nursing home was watching and helping them come up with fun and games to play with the younger people just as her Grandmother had with her.
The American Indian spiritual elders provide access to the sacred journey within. “WisdomKeepers,” come from many tribes including Ojibwe, Hope, Ute, Pawnee, Seminole, Sioux, and Iroquois. The path is one of humanity, of levity and resolve, of knowledge, mettle, and actions taken upon such knowledge. The Elders speak of creation and punishment, and go to innermost truths. Here found, they offer the value of their experience through the gauntlet of, “The Turtle Island.” The Grandfathers and Grandmothers … The Old Ones… The Elders … are carrying the natural wisdom for generational sustainability and this has been true for millennia.
(Nerburn & Mendelkoch,1993) Humans walk on the Earth which is also where the original Americans came from. They are that which preceded us …who came before us. In receiving Wisdom from The Elders, we are afforded an opportunity to reconnect with our true selves… and to connect with the land again. This connection and this Truth is our life crucible and yet the many consider the ground to be a thing to walk upon and to make economic wealth from…and no more…or, it is a “grime” in the human mind…to be controlled and minimized… with aggrandizement and artificial power over others. The authors call upon age old Wisdom from The Elders such as Black Elk, Chief Joseph, Red Cloud, Sitting Bull, and many others.
The work by Mengelkoch and Nerburn (1993) exposes and illustrates the American Indian life in more natural form than we can see today. The American Indian way of life, of dying, and of learning is seen from a lens of observations and the testimonies of its leaders, its societies, and its people. The book is a distillation of American Indian cultural essence and wisdom. The passages within the book are timeless and are a deep and true value …perhaps now more than ever.
(Snellgrove, 2021) provides a meditation offering to follow the cycles of life. The Medicine Wheel teaches us the seasons and their flow through existential reality. The Universe is made available through this portal of Light from his transformative efforts. The insights open to Universal movement and to visions and sounds of Creation. Herefound is nearness to Creator. Upon the wind, we may receive whispers from the ancestors which form the keys to our destiny. We may exhibit and even become "Hollow Bones" that live in full Service to Great Spirit.
(Price, 2022; APA, 2022) The Blackfoot Tribe sang their tribal histories across time to the sound of the beating drum. The Montana Blackfoot reservation was a place of learning where the tribal way of life was lived as a lesson with its customs, ways of living, and special foods. The federal reservation reductions and urges to cultural assimilation caused the youth like Sydney Brown, who had been raised in Montana in tribal fashion learning from her grandparents, to go west to California and finally to Coos Bay, Oregon. The westernized schooling experience was very negative for her and the others and scarred their journey of consciousness. Brown would actually maim herself in a tragic rebellious act in class with a pencil lead… an act often metaphorically replicated by so many former culturally tribal people. She began to lose touch with her tribe and its ways of learning and speaking which she would have always received from her Elders. She embarked in a career of clinical psychology as recompense for the loss of her tribal connections…in effect, seeking to heal the people of this new non-learning of the west…using its own derivative methods and insights.
This work has introduced and reintroduced understandings and applications of Elder Wisdom both. As such, it is submitted here as an analysis and evaluation of sorts, and next, will seek to provide insights as to solutions which might arise from these intentional ecological immersions and interactions. The final aspect of this piece’s taxonomy is to incept a blossom of creative solvency…an alchemical direction if possible, as with the western religious phrase, “Good Orderly Direction (G.O.D.).”
Moving forward through the challenges which have been utter and extreme, to say the least, an American Indian paradox and paradigm is in the offering. Wisdom of the Elders (WOTE)(2022) writes of new uses and applications of ancient knowledge though such as reexamination and scientific explorations of oral histories and language, arts and culture, sacred and historical records, ecological traditions and concepts, preservation and conservation efforts, and storytelling. The initiatives at WOTE embody collective diversity at many levels including organizational, educational, and foundational sustainability and reconciliation. The Lakota Medicine Man and Spiritual Leader, the late, “Martin High Bear,” and Deg Hitan Dine/Inupiat Rose High Bear, and others, founded WOTE in 1993, for these purposes.
The “Old Wisdom,” of the Athabascan language and societies is provided in modern multimedia format for public learning agencies. The engagement of “service-learning,” and American Indian leadership and environmental stewardship are primary learning domain “vehicles” in the efforts. The “Hero’s Journey of Transformation,” and “Discovering Our Story,” are parts of the curriculum as well as health and wellness and traumatic resilience learning and classes in and about Nature. The, “Wisdom Workforce Development (WWD),” is a project incorporating habitat and ecology restoration and protection knowledge applications and wise efforts toward collaborative reconciliation with truth and nature. The, “Wisdom Agricultural Business Incubator (WABI),” also provides hands on vocational and pedagogical cooperative learning and training in the plant nursery and can even pay interns there. The WWD also creates and disseminates documentary educational films, radio programming, and. “story television,” elaborating the offerings of over 400 American Indian Elders. There are symposia, trainings, and gatherings made available by WWD as well which also provide bridging into communities, both Native and general.
The take away from the intended lifelong true learning conveyance is a bolstering of Ancient knowledge into traditional, as well as all new and emergent, pathways of applicative Wisdom. It is a manifestation of the ongoing development of core human and natural challenge resilience and sustainability… a “Path” of Wisdom …out of the trauma and into …life.
The learning that is afforded people in mainstream society has rarely been ancestral until lately. An oppressive conscious yoke had perhaps made learning seem like a torture to the general populations, especially in America. But it is the nature of the universe to expand…to learn. Enter into this fray, … a Divinely guided school: Aramis Creative Learning Center (ACLC, 2022).
ACLC (2022) is an alternative pedagogy that espouses holistic learning methodologies and content. This is the same as Elder Wisdom in that it is a form of learning that is both ancient and actual …the teachings are of …LIFE. The basis is intuitive as it is with American Indian Elders, and the emphasis is also young people and psychoemotive wellness, just as it is with all Elder teachings. The ACLC shift from convention in learning brings to bear an unbridled enthusiasm and bolsters and fortifies the mitochondrial and serotonin-linked molecules with excitation. The young people enjoy this form of learning which might be deemed to be a universal key of sorts. ACLC cultivates nearness with the truth of nature…a profound means of founding and forging learning in a truly valuable fashion, with courses centered around animals, nature, and unconventional subjects that portend to transformation. The objectives at ACLC include but are not limited to subjects which contain the power of “infinite possibilities,” and incept and provide strength, truth, natural expression, intuitive science, human independence and sovereignty, and the preparation and empowerment of life and learning. At ACLC, the wellness and fortuitous opportunities of the children as learners are the primary concern. Oddly, this is not the case generally with learning and but also, IS the case with American Indian Elder teachings as well. These aligning philosophies form what Carl Jung would have called a, “synchronicity.” Another such is the current scientific definition of “grounded” research which means learning and proceeding without a theoretical basis but in search of one and by the naturally obtained clues that present. ACLC is grounded in ancient harmonic and presents a leading energy into the new golden era of learning. The learners and teachers alike do “in-joy” themselves too!
Bioneers (2022) is a similarly profound conveyance in terms community leadership. The general assertion of Bioneers is that the world’s solutions exist but are obscured by various things perhaps. Bioneers has the good orderly direction to share with the realm of Earth and the strength of vision, practice, and knowledge to manifest vast and utter change in the world. Bioneers is standing on the path of sustainability and transformation and is “seeding the field” with emergent and ancient wisdom.
The dynamics of the Bioneer programs are teleological themselves and provide a reflection of the truth of form that fits function… as in, teachings that give life. Fitting that the programs are feminine-centered since, after all, it is Woman (“WombMan) that gives life to humanity. The “Everywoman’s” program for female leadership development and empowerment is demonstrative. The processes are more collaborative, have added multicultural sensitivity and awareness, and emphasize relational wisdom that is both transgenerational and novel …and that are, designed specifically for the time at hand while using any and all ancient wisdom to fortify and send forward the messages of life and nature. As the “Circle of Life” is represented by a circular form, so too are the programs and courses at Bioneers. The linear foundation of the former scientific and cultural premise of human society is not and has not been aligned with the actual harmonic truth of the universe…which is also…circular. The lines…as masculine strokes of creation…are actually… only derivatives of the circles that form existential reality. The masculine construct is like an assimilative structure or “scaffolding” about creation …that may assist it in its creative course. They are not and never were intended to dominate or attempt domination of the feminine aspect of creation. The Bioneer school remedies this misstep as did the Women of Iceland with their giant feminine looking power line towers!
Bioneers offers “Native-Led Indigeneity” which supports First Nation Peoples and their programs and allies. It also provides youth guidance courses which bridge generational gaps and affords skills, capabilities, and networking to fortify the young peoples’ efforts as they champion the urgent causes of humanity and nature. Restoration efforts and teachings are also part of the Bioneer service to the world. The programs mitigate the former exploitative basis of food production and distribution which is to be subdued by and with humane, socially just, ecologically sound, resiliency, equity, and capability. The university also reaches out through media and public educational programs that seek to change the game by providing environmental and ecological solvency in its message. Engagement is derived through this promulgation of awareness. The Bioneer programs include their “Action Initiatives” which seek and gather partnerships and collaborations to create greater and greater “alloy-like” strength for manifest accomplishment. The Bioneer initiative itself is a testament of loyalty and faith in manifestation and in real time, and like the American Indian Elders, honors each and all, future generations, and the “web of life.”
Bioneers, then, does personify the amalgam of necessary movements of the collective consciousness, asserting itself as a celebratory innovation and creative expansion of the human endeavor and solvency. The “mythology of despair” is a displacing agent in the pool of the morphic field of resonance which is eclipsed now by “human creativity focused on problem solving.” The “Age of Nature” includes a new contract of interdependency between humans and nature that self regulates by form and function. The human heart integrates with nature’s heart and emits a resonant field that seeks and fulfills its rightful place in harmonic alignment with true wisdom and forms as a leader there to. It incepts natural wisdom as the crucible of all things, and sets forth true value therefore. Resilience as the “grail,” of human and natural evolution and ascension is set forth along with justice, diverse appreciation, and co-existential harmony.
The Restorative Practices Alliance (RPA) serves the planet to find and fortify our true “baseline” of “safety” which is achieved through compassion and cooperation. The multicultural human ecological connection is the true net of peace and well being for all living things and must be its center. The cooperative of RPA uses philanthropy and altruism integrations that are cutting edge neuro-technological as well as based in the wisdom of the ancestors. The RPA coins themselves a “cultural repair engine,” which is spearheaded by the organization known aptly as, ”Applied Mindfulness, Inc, ” and as an agency that taps the wisdom of the elders for direction and true dynamic power and force.
The “trans-disciplinary,” union of people and agencies and unified positive direction from the communal movement toward true medicine, science, and well being. It unites the latest quantum reality awareness and data into an alloy-like meld of emergent “neurophysiology” for mental health with ancestral and true wisdom for the purpose of purification, wellness, and healing. Disorders of many kinds are targeted with this vehicle including but not limited to stress-related bio-psycho-emotive dysfunction, depression, trauma, sleep disorder, and gut and immune system disease and malady.
Dr. Nadine Harris, MPH/FAAP (2022) explains the term “(r)evolution” is capably used in reference to the RPA’s new platform for clinical treatments. The objective is to provide an evolved practice of healing as demonstration to the world healing community. It is a practical and direct mapping…the scale is actual…1-1. Traditional western medical health and mental health and wellness miss critical aspects of health as a matter and outcome of their outdated and inadequate model. The existential offering of RPA is an implication of true value and direction ion the healing art-science on Earth today.
These recent programmatic real time manifestations of “The Red Road,” such as the two learning organizations above, are indications of the 7th Generation’s prophetic return occurring right now. The “8thFire” movement has begun on Earth! (Coyhis, 2007) is an American Indian Elder that writes and takes actions in Spirit by way of Elder Wisdom and “12 Step” “WellBriety.” Indeed, his premise is utterly profound as it is through purification that the human begins to comprehend the “mind” of Great Spirit. That is, by mitigation of toxin within. Alcohol and mind altering substances have torched the waters of life within the American Indian populations as well as all major ethnicities and nationalities around the world. Like a raid on an American Indian village, no women, children , or animals have been spared in the bio-warfare that is upon America and the world today. To begin, we listen to our Elders. Elder Don Coyhis is one of the most prolific Elders of this modern era, and he sources Elders for his mixed method practice, and, he provides a very grounded and real approach to overcoming our tragic pasts within our very own systems. This is the path forward in all forms…the work within is first. The premise for humans is that there is a great nemesis out there… an enemy… but if so, that threat is far lesser than the threat within from multiple forms of bio-warfare toxin.
As this Earth realm might escape its era of predation and colonization, it is nowhere more necessary and overdue than in the educational domains. Indigenous people have formed an etymological understanding through lived experience of the word and meaning of “colonization.” They intend now by the word to mean anything that seeks to control a population externally for any reason or cause. The European expansion into America, or Turtle Island, as American Indian Elders know this place by, is the prime example, of course. For demonstrational purposes, we might also consider the“Colonial Marines,” from the movie and science fiction movie series,” Prometheus,” and, “Aliens,” where exploration of space is spearheaded by warrior-soldiers. Also, in the major motion picture. “Avatar,” where the colonization of an indigenous and native planet is depicted. But for a grounded approach to this subject in the light of the viewpoint of the American Indian Elders, we can say that all forms of conscious invasiveness are actually forms of “colonization.” These include but are definitely not limited to political colonization, economic colonization, institutional colonization, religious colonization, and other forms of external control measure or social and cultural leverage mechanism. The expression of control over another, indeed, any expression of subordination, has been a specialty of the European expansion into the West. And, just as readers may grapple with the conceptology of externalization of control in physical and practical systems, it may also be useful to recognize the myriad and many forms of conscious control. Perhaps it is actually the level of invisible controls of the mind and psycho-emotive state that are the foundational and underpinning reality of control…as in “mind control.” This aspect is one that people can control, and while the many or the few may often seek external remedy…such will never overcome internal disharmonies that lead to conscious vulnerability. Hence, it may be of first concern to closely examine applications of Elder Wisdom into the current ecologies by way of internal “de-colonization.” Learning …on Earth… is one of the conscious invasions perhaps…where learners are semi-tortured by the abuses of an invalid systemic approach …and come to hate the very thing that is their innermost nature…expansion. In this era of quantum expansion, humans are now on the brink of stepping into a truer quantum reality… which means in lay terms an unlimited omni-directional expansion…and which is in harmonic with who and what humans really are, and is aligned with the actual nature of the universe. It may just be that the future of sustainable ecological harmony is part and parcel to be found within and within the alchemy of internal harmony. Hence, an era of internal versus external control.
In the International Journal of Inclusive Education., Kennedy, El-Hussein, and McGowan (2020;2022) wrote a peer-reviewed and scholarly article called, ”Indigenous Elders’ wisdom and dominionization in higher education: barriers and facilitators to decolonization and reconciliation.” Their work illustrates the points above in terms of external/internal controls and inceptions and suggests, once again, that the yoke upon humanity is one of oppressive control of the consciousness at foundational root. Hence, it appears that this is where efforts should arise and focus …at the causal level. Enter new awareness and understanding of the very premise of learning itself. Intricate scientific forays into the mechanisms of release from such invasive and oppressive control methodologies, ones that hamper true growth, for some ungodly reason no doubt, into an era of true expansiveness and freedom from conscious slavery.
(Kennedy, El-Hussein, and McGowan, 2020;2022) examine and expose relief methods of the former learning methodologies in the “west.” The assertion is that the systemic societal colonization has basically obstructed the path of congruence and righteous truth …has forbidden actual learning by its very design and premise. Reports from the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CCTRC) support these conclusions emphatically with resolute scientific longitudinal data and ongoing objective research. Relations with Indigenous people are to be fortified within the vision of restructuring of existing societal structural powers. Indigenous Elder wise guidance is exemplified and exemplified in the new, “decolonization.” Knowledge can be applied now across domains as opposed to active dominionization by way of reductive and controlling methodologies of the western scientific past. “Westernized” systems are to be integrated with Indigenous Elder Wisdom. The de-entrenchment of expertise releases the conscious dominion over intellect and process in the western world. “Academic privilege” is replaced with reverence for our Indigenous Elders and their Wisdom. There are new and emergent physical and cognitive psychoemotive and psychosocial methodologies which espouse true natural learning of true relevance and that block oppressive tools of the former structures of retained superiority over a populace. “Socialization” and “co-learning,” raise the peoples’ ability to positively disrupt the unequal and disharmonic learning structures of the recent western past. The Wisdom of The Elders is the Path to Freedom even as it was when the US Constitution was created to separate a free people from an oppressive England was thereupon visited by “Spiritual energies” in congress, yet then, detrimentally amended, of course.
(Esquibel, 2007) Dr. Esquibel wrote of a timeless wisdom of the American Indian Elders and personified the ancient reverence through phenomenological and existential embodiment. His tribal name is “Tismal,” which, translated into the English language, is“Hummingbird.” The bird’s “flight” method defies the former western science itself …as do helicopter rotor blades and chopper flight altogether. Hence, like the use of electricity in the west, science cannot explain and yet thinks it can control the elements. The American Indian and worldwide Indigenous Elder Wisdom is just this kind of “element” and yet, the west and the world will now find out that Nature is not under its control…a timeless message of the Natural Wisdom of the Elders. Each and all must be their own champion as well as the cooperative agency for the sovereignty of the collective as well. In this world championship title moment, it is each and all that must assume the sustainability and harmonic universal alignment that is “The Wisdom of Elders.”
American Psychological Association. “The Wisdom of Elders”.
Arden, Harvey and Wall, Steve (1991) Wisdomkeepers: Meetings With Native American Spiritual Elders (Earthsong Collection). Beyond Words. ISBN 9780941831666
Beaton, Danny. “Defenders of Our Sacred Mother: Native Wisdom Keepers Speak Out.” In memory of Alicja Rozanska. Cultural Survival. May 1, 2020. ZBhDiARIsAH3FSReOpo9SNzocF21rWAlm0XMMbui8fPlYoorus2HxAhdPLNBy33wpZ14aAlNxEALw_wcB (accessed 10/18/2021
Coyhis, Don L(2007). Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons. Coyhis Publishing & Consulting. ISBN 10: 1605304514 / ISBN 13: 9781605304519
Esquibel, Steven Eli. Austin Macauley Publishers.
Fleming, Robert (1996). The Wisdom of the Elders. One World. ISBN: 0345394321 and ISBN13: 9780345394323
Indigenous Elder Wisdom.
Kennedy, Andrea; McGowan, Katharine, and El-Hussein, Mohamed. (2020).“Indigenous Elders” wisdom and dominionization in higher education: barriers and facilitators to decolonization and reconciliation.” International Journal of Inclusive Education. October 9, 2020
Mengelkoch, Louise and Nerburn, Kent., Editors. (1993). Native American Wisdom (Classic Wisdom Collections). New World Library. ISBN 0931432782
National Conference of American Indians (2021). “Elders.”
Nerburn, Kent (1999). Wisdom of Native Americans. MJF Books. ISBN: 1567319939 and ISBN13: 9781567319934
Northern Plains Reservation Aid. “Success Stories: Honor Your Elders.” 9/20/2021. ZBDiARIsAH3FSRfdYdOHyOC-qM6kUF125H7QWmD_sL6okdlzG1pI83eULUr16qWfpB4aAuJFEALw_wcB . qM6kUF125H7QWmD_sL6okdlzG1pI83eULUr16qWfpB4aAuJFEALw_wcB
Snellgrove, Wayne William (2021). Whispers from the Hollow Bone. Blue Fortune Enterprises. ISBN 10: 1948979519 and ISBN 13: 9781948979511