Let us begin where the foundation "lies" ...in terms of the Holy Quest ... especially...the Journey needs to begin with the right causes in mind...the aligned intent.
The INTENT on Dr John's Real Deal Grill page is to bring Truth without regard to normative and false cautions. Dr J himself contends, incepts as well rather perhaps, that all human beings being humans seek this very one thing and nothing else really. On the day when we sit proximitously across from each other and simply breathe reality in and out, we both experience a bliss that is far beyond an L Dopa flash! This has been termed "Belonging" by the psychological-affective folks, but however, they also are trapped themselves in their lower mental prism, by the way, and could no more release a "patient" from torment than a stain makes a blanket orderly. It is thinking that got "being human" into the current malady, whereas John Malkovich had people thinking they were him in "Being John Malkovich," the ~move he~. This does not throw out thinking altogether, in fact, quite the contrary. This suggests that human thouht ought to be anchored in from higher frequency view...such as critical psycho-affective thinking that uses intuitive and abstract thoughts as well as defined logical and linear equations. And then, we may also find that the actshoeal goal is "thoughtlessness." By this, we mean the immediate comfort of nothing being thought about... even in the moment... just autonomically breatheing and being. This is opposite the "oppressor state" which portends "thoughtlessness" as the cruel and harsh method of winning in business. Aha! The "Flip Will Sun" store He adjinn!
The objective here is to pierce and re-pierce the veil... such as Dr Einstein's "Mayan Veil," relentlessly until it is no more. The delusional illusionary "veil" across the human collective consciousness is perhaps a universal or galactic "litmus" test... to test if the Human Will is ready for Ascension. The wet blanket of a deceptive block upon claire-knowing and critical mental accuracy is to be appreciated ... just as a smaller warrior gains strength when given a sword too large for him to carry. What we will find there on the other side of the veil is ...unknown. This is as it must be and how it is actshoeally. The very very certainty of uncertainty becomes more and more pronounced and the Traveller decides to learn to live "quick on the feet," like a Captain Kirk or Han Solo. In Truth, each find the manifest destiny power tools ... that "lie" just beyond the formerly rational collective's boundaries, in their own ... true development. In this Path shall the Traveller find fast friends...compelled to assist by the clear integrity of the journey! Yes, Angels love Light. They cant even help it, in our experience!
To this end then, Dr J ( "Dr E" ) goes forth ... and seeks the marvel of the universe and to expose it to all who can receive it. Through so many people and causes in real time Keystone Earth, ones that display this freedom and love currency...its "freakwhensee," ... of natural unfettered expansion which aligns with truth as The ActShoeAl Nature of the Cosmos. The "Maltese Falcon" by Dashiell Hammett was a book written when books yet formed manifest reality among the human collective by amalgam of causation in 1941. This was also around the year when America discovered an invisible means of monitoring and watching out for invisible watercraft that conveyed through the oceans of the Pacific Northwest until then most alarmingly! Radar then exposed German UBoats and Japanese submarines as well in the waters off of ... the California Coast! The truth is that technically, the stealthy underwater assault on America's shores stands as an invasion in real terms. This set of factual data is not something that was relayed overmuch to the public at the time and since for the simple reason that people could not handle this truth and hence, a great anxiety could be "avoided." The "Great Depression," was likewise an event and series of events that remained behind the "Mayan Veil," whereas its actual nature is misconstrued in the public domain. The era was indoctrinated with government stimulus monies to economically drive the country back into productivity. But any parent can tell us that money alone will not develop a child, and that especially when the money is used to distract from truth. Love is Truth... deception...is the veil in myriad form. To Love ourselves and as our very own offspring formatively, we must brace and embrace with CLARITY OF TRUTH. It is "The Way!"
The page will therefore find truthers in all forms and set forth to bolster their journey and message delivery. The page, like its founder, stands as an alchemical avenger ...and does not "lie" with the demonic plague upon "Keystone Earth," but opposes it victoriously. The page provides the winning energy ... a contagion of true accuracy.
The page then seeks champions who wish to convey the alchemy of resolution from trauma, individual and collective, and is an leveraging oar for the little salvific row boats of Keystone Earth's heroic "ferry" people. A "Tattle Boat!"
To this end, we seek the counsel of and the energy provison of so many stalwart agencies and agents of reality. Prior to that, DrJohn's can align wioth these freedom fighters by achieiving them in honorific mention herin. Admittedly, Dr John would open the doors of the mountain temple for such heroes but that is also not his true goal. The page and the good Dr will free the people it and he engage... that is a certainty. That they stay free after "contact" with truth is something else altogether...and but which he can also point to solvency for. The page's vetted practioners and true value wares provide ongoing sanctity, and sanctuary, by way of the page visitors' interested diligence with true practice, true knowldge, right action, and ... as amalgam therefrom, Wisdom Counsel provision. Some, but not at all, all, of the programs and providers that DRJRDG admires and seeks to parlay with are herein listed for the onlookers review:
Ltc DK Swendiman
Candace Owens
Michael Jaco
EJ Pheiffer
Benjamin Fulford
John DeSouza
Mel K
Janine Morigeau
Judy Byington
William Henry
Clara Roberts-Oss
Dr Doreal
Cyndi Dale
Sophia Maya
Sarah Seidelman
Dr Steven Esquibel
Sarah Markwick
Joe Dispenza
Ralph Smart
Jamila Vaughn
Rising Aurora Phoenix
Joseph White Eagle
Angella SparrowWhiteElkRaven Piercy
Carina Terra
Tonya Dee
American Indian Schools
The NTOA Command College
Sisters of The Valley
The Commonweal Human Ecological Retreat
Haskell University
Aramis School
Wildwood School
The Venus Project
Rising Phoenix Academy
American Indian Wisdom
Toltec Wisdom
Wisdom of The Ancients
Cloud Formations and Knowledge
Green Hermeticism
Off Grid Living
Direct Science
Energy Research
Spiritual Liberation
Hemp & CBD Farming
World Spirituality
True Evolution
Lost Treasures
Ascension, Evolution, and Travel