Dr E is clearing out the AlexandriaofEngbeck Librarium from FB "Spiritual Liberation" page-group over to the web page. The excerpt write up with pics was 43 comment posts:
"The Humanity Project, Nesara/Gesara And The Transition To Greatness is written by Scott Whale. This is the updated version after the events of 2020 so far and gives you information on Nesara/Gesara and the move into the golden age. Scott truly believes the information he is giving to you regarding the humanty project isn't from himself and that it has been given to him from a higher power. Whether that be God however you believe or the universe itself. The information inside contains all the information we need to take peaceful, loving and kind actions to easily and effortlessly change the world as we all know it!
If you have children and grandchildren what kind of a world do you want them to grow up in? One where money is everybody's main focus that consumes most of everyone's time, energy and lives. Even just for the money for food, water and basic living needs likes housing? One where greed, selfishness and consumerism are rife? One where we are all disconnected and where we live to work and work to live? Or would you like them to grow up in a better world where nobody is homeless, nobody is starving, everybody has affordable comfortable living with free food, water, electricity and much more!? Where nobody has to work to live, where everybody is free from the chains of modern slavery that needing money to live brings? Where there is a sense of community and unity and freedom and the chance to live your life how you want to with who you want to without having to work to survive? Which world would you like your children or grandchildren to grow up in?
If its in a better world then please, please read this book and share the knowledge inside and help in anyway that you can. It was given to us from a higher power to guide us and show the way that things are meant to be and that there is another way, a better way for us to live live in co existence, abundance, peace and harmony and that we can make a big change happen, if we only help one another. Mother earth is plentiful abundant. The people are suffering and starving not because we cant satisfy the hunger and the needs of the many but because we cant satisfy the greed of the few. We cant make the old system collapse we need money, we just need to add to the system and create better alternative to working to live and all of your life to pay for a house and basic needs. It shouldn't be like this and we have been clearly shown how it can be better for us all, If we learn to work together we can implement the change that is so badly needed and if we can change the world then we can change almost anything.
The future of your children and grandchildren and the kind of world they grow up in in is totally in your hands, its in all of our hands. If we don't bring a change their future will be very dark and full of suffering. If we do a much better world is there for all of us! If you want to find out the changes we need to bring and help bring them about please read the book and reach out to me/us on social media and help in anyway you can your help would be very much appreciated, I cant do this alone but together I am totally certain we have got this people! Who's with me?"
Gesara is a more evolved being gift to humanity on Earth. It appears to be the result of much good works and intention to overcome our collective yoke. It is here...although only the few see it AT THIS TIME.
KINDNESS as a FORCE. Conscious Change- a Better World. Peace, Unity, Prosperity. Abundance for 50 generations. Down with profiteering, elitism. CHANGE our thinking and attitudes. The DESTINY OF OUR CHILDREN. ECO-COMMUNITIES. Job 1: Help the Poor. 2. Build Community - Natural H20. Circular buildings in the new communities. Gardens and aquaponics. HARVESTING. Down with homelessness, rent, mortgage, Duplicate the EcoVillages as McD's duplicated the plastic poison food centers. EVERYBODY IS LOVED AND CARED FOR. Up with...LIFE!
Harmony, Peace, Love, Freedom ... Replacement of System of Laws, Big Industry no longer able to attack and harm Earth, Humanity gets a level playing field...a fresh chance to CO-EXIST in THE UNIVERSE and ON EARTH FIRST.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
— Margaret Mead
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